Sample code: moment relaxations for switched sytems

Here is a simple toolbox for solving switched optimal control problems. The code supports the paper with J. Daafouz and D. Henrion on switched systems.

The toolbox is as user-friendly and minimal as possible. Note that you can solve regular optimal control problems as well, by considering them as switched systems with a single mode.

Do not hesitate to contact me should you have a problem running the files.

Mini-course on polynomial optimization, MTNS’14

I will be replacing Jean-Bernard Lasserre at the polynomial optimization mini-course of the 2014 MTNS in Groningen. I will discuss the basics of using moment relaxations for control problem.

You will find the program of the mini-courses here.

I will also be presenting an interesting application of the method for problems featuring both concentration and oscillation phenomena on the control on Tuesday at 12:15pm,  A07 Session, A3.

CDC 2013 Conference

I will be at the 2013 Control and Decision and Control conference in Florence, Italy. Here is where and when you can find me:

And don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to organize a meeting during the conference!